Thursday, October 11, 2007

Baby Ezra Update

So a little update is in order. All our friends and families already know this, so it's not going to be news. Our baby Ezra Mathew was born back on September 30th. He came about 5 weeks early. (About 5 1/2 if you go by our Dr's due date.) Heather posted on her blog already with some details, so I won't repeat those here. Currently he is still in the NICU and doing very well. They took his IV out a couple days ago, so he's getting all his nutrients through feeding and the tube going down his throat into his stomach. The more he eats on his own, the less he has to get fed through the tube. The quicker he gets the hang of that, the sooner he'll be home. It's really the only thing left keeping him there. We started getting help from the occupational therapist yesterday. She was really helpful and hopefully we'll get some more help from her. Anyway that's the story so far. I'll try to keep everyone updated. In case you were wondering, he is the cutest baby I've ever seen.
Here are a couple pictures:

1 comment:

Brittany said...

Ezra and Baylee are in close competition for cutest baby ever for me, but I do have to say that in some pictures they look a lot alike to me (especially from the nose down). They could be brother and sister. He definetely is a keeper. Good job guys! Hope everything is going well with you!